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Update 12/13/18: give me your opinions on post topics

Hey there, if I'm correct, the majority of the people reading this, will have read my post (or hopefully not read it because you watched the anime I wrote the post about) - Run with the Wind. By the way, episode 11 came out, and I believe that it just continues the quality of the previous episodes. Shindo is best boy ( I can't believe I'm saying that), Kakeru continues to be an incredibly unrealistic long distance runner, I can't flipping believe that Yuki passed the bar exam on his first try, and I continue to be scared that something bad will happen to Haiji (you will understand if you watch... oh shoot, THERE ARE SPOILERS HERE, you'll understand my worry if you watch Your Lie in April).

Anyway, I've been reading through past posts and I just wanted to say a couple things. There have been things that I've said before that I could change now because manga and anime are an eternally changing and expanding realm of series, where your knowledge about something can change through a season, especially if you are trying to cover it the season that it is released.

This update is mainly to let my audience know that this blog has finally been revived. I know you must not trust me after all those updates claiming I had stuff ready and then I didn't post for another couple weeks. I'm sorry, I did have ideas in my head, but I was heavily impacted by college classes, so I couldn't post.

Right now I do have a lot of ideas

- How Kingdom Hearts is actually just Naruto by Square Enix
- My Fruit Project that has been in the making since I was in 5th grade (context is that it really is a project on fruits, I am just that passionate about fruit)
- My opinion on One Piece: World Seeker
- Informative Post on Japanese American food

If you have any opinions on which of these you would want to see first, comment down below please.


"Gala apples are trash tier apples"
-Griffin Yamada, passionate fruit critic


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