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Update 9/3

So, if you haven't noticed, there haven't been any new posts...

I've been pretty busy from real life stuff...

I kinda said I wasn't going to mention real life stuff, but I guess you can't really avoid it, and I'm pretty sure I have more updates than actual posts at this point anyway.

Work was pretty tough this week, yes I am aware that you shouldn't talk about work on social media, but I'm pretty responsible about that kind of stuff, and I don't have any complaints. I just gotta say that work can take up a lot of your time and sometimes you feel so fulfilled from performing your services and sometimes you feel like it isn't worth it at all. 

I don't recall if I mentioned that I was going back to class, but there you go, I am. It's a US History course so right now our class is going over European exploration in the Americas, "The New World". 

Anyway, I'm really into Dungeons and Dragons right now. That fever has finally hit me, which is pretty bad seeing as how I already have manga and Pokemon addictions. 

If I had something to tell young Griffin from like... I don't know, 10 years ago, I'd say, you should get as much sleep as you can and make sure to go to sleep early because you're going to be begging for it for the next 10 years and you're going to need it to make sure you don't die for the next 10 years. 

Also, I'm turning 20 this month. Crazy.

Alright, that's it for this update. I'll try to post something so that I retain some readers. 


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