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The Holidays Are Almost Upon Us

Hey there, I haven't been on this blog in quite a while, so let me fill my audience in.

I've been doing a bunch of different "unproductive" things. I finished Persona 5 and I don't know if I mentioned that before, but I started the NewGame+ content of the game, and I'm able to take it at a much more relaxed pace now that I've beaten the game... hasn't it been a couple years since the game came out...geez.

Besides that, I've been going over the new Pokemon Sword and Shield competitive metagame, trying to figure out what that whole scene is going to turn out looking like. So far, its more of the same, with only really standout abilities making changes to the game. Some moves were removed though, so in terms of movesets, some things have really changed. One of the biggest changes was that there was no more priority abuse of belly drum. Linoone and Azumarill were two of the biggest belly drum abusers, being able to get a +6 boost to their attack and then threatening to sweep with aqua jet or extreme speed. That kind of thing isn't allowed in Sword and Shield.

Even more importantly than the reading of information from the new Pokemon game is the work I've been putting in to a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. It's a campaign based on an original world of mine, which is a very big risk seeing as its also the first campaign I've ever attempted. It's gonna be a nice mix of future technology and fantasy magic, manipulation of time and space, tapping into the realm of sleep and the amazing creation of the natural world. I hope I don't spoil anything to important to any of my players. In any case, it still needs a lot of work, but as long as you have a setting, some players, enough dice, and a good enough imagination, it should work out right?....

Personal life has been alright, there's been interesting developments, and hopefully this leads to another few moments of growth before the year is up. I used to dread the passing into the new year because I tend to think about what I did the past year to deserve any celebrating or if there was anything I really gained from the past year. This year, I don't have anything like that holding me down. I really would like to thank all of my friends and family this year for listening to me and for being interested in what I have to say. (Surely, I must be annoying because I talk soooooo much, right?) But, really, it's insane that I would actually look forward to positive growth or change in my life when I've dreaded it for so long. For the past couple years, I viewed change as a definite negative, as things getting worse than they already were, or something I couldn't handle cutting another opportunity off.

But really, thank you. I don't know if I'll ever write another anime/manga post conveying a unique, interesting, or informative view that will help my readers, but hopefully my friends (who really are the only readers on this blog) are ok with allowing me to sometimes post useful stuff, and other times just let me remember that I can always come back to this place and just say whatever I want.

Thanks, happy holidays, remember to give thanks during thanksgiving, and be generous with your love during Christmas. I might be back on the blog before the holidays end, but know that I love you all.


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