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Pokemon Showdown Draft League... Interested?

I'm planning on developing a Pokemon Draft League for around 5-10 people, I have 3 right now. If anyone isn't busy and has some free days after the holidays that would be interested in joining, I would really appreciate your entering this league.

A Pokemon Draft League, for those who don't watch the happenings of Poketubers (Pokemon YouTubers) is a round robin style Pokemon tournament with teams being built through a draft system, similar to that of fantasy football, baseball, basketball, etc.

Typically, the Pokemon are split into different groups. For the United Championship League, they split their Pokemon up based on the usage in Pokemon Showdown (an online simulation site that I would like to use to stage all of the battles for this league). For this league, we would be using the PS tiers of Ubers (typically legendary Pokemon who are too broken to be used in a regular tier), OU (or OverUsed Pokemon), UU (or UnderUsed Pokemon), RU (or RarelyUsed Pokemon) and Monotype (which refers to Pokemon of a single type). In the UCL, which is a well-known draft league, they use OU, UU, RU, and NU (NeverUsed). However, Ubers contains more well-known and flexibly used Pokemon which I thought would make battling more fun. I was worried about the power and coverage that these Pokemon provide, but a fellow participant in the league told me that they would balance out the experience that we might provide to the league. The Pokemon themselves would be balanced out by the draft format. I apologize for getting so technical with the set-up of the whole thing, but I am trying to clarify the system so that people can feel more comfortable with a game like this.

I hand-picked Pokemon from each tier, making sure it was only up to a certain number and ranking within their tier to try to balance the gameplay and to limit the number of people this system would support. Ideally, 5 or 10 people join because the tiers have 10, 20, 50, 20, and then 10 Pokemon in them. 10 people means that 2 people are in a team, while if there's more than 5 but less than 10, the teams will have 1 person in most of them and 2 people in some of them.

I digress, I need people to join this league, but I think that asking on a platform like this can reach more people faster than trying to individually Facebook message everyone I know.

Here's the list of Pokemon that will be in this draft, split into the tiers I picked them from. (Beforehand, I should mention that Monotype is less of a tier than a format. Monotype Pokemon can be found from OU down to RU, but since it's split by type, I thought it would be appropriate to use this round as a chance for people to pick up a certain type that they had missed in a previous round.)

  1. Blaziken
  2. Mega Metagross
  3. Deoxys-D
  4. Buzzwole 
  5. Pheromosa 
  6. Aegislash
  7. Shaymin-S 
  8. Mega Lucario
  9. Skarmory
  10. Gothitelle

  1. Uxie 
  2. Scolipede
  3. Mega Garchomp
  4. Thundurus-T 
  5. Volcanion
  6. Mega Charizard Y
  7. Manaphy 
  8. Tapu Fini 
  9. Suicune 
  10. Kingdra
  11. Mega Gyarados
  12. Serperior
  13. Mega Pinsir
  14. Pelipper
  15. Mega Lopunny
  16. Hoopa-U 
  17. Hawlucha
  18. Tapu Lele 
  19. Mega Tyranitar
  20. Reuniclus

  1. Armaldo
  2. Volcarona 
  3. Galvantula 
  4. Mega Sableye 
  5. Alolan Muk 
  6. Dragonite 
  7. Latios 
  8. Kommo-o
  9. Rotom-Wash
  10. Zapdos 
  11. Azumarill
  12. Tapu Koko 
  13. Clefable
  14. Mega Gallade
  15. Terrakion 
  16. Heracross
  17. Mega Charizard X
  18. Infernape
  19. Celesteela 
  20. Mantine
  21. Gliscor
  22. Mimikyu
  23. Blacephalon 
  24. Gengar
  25. Ferrothorn
  26. Tapu Bulu 
  27. Breloom
  28. Excadrill
  29. Hippowdon
  30. Landorus 
  31. Mamoswine
  32. Alolan Ninetales
  33. Staraptor
  34. Diggersby
  35. Toxapex
  36. Mega Venusaur
  37. Crobat
  38. Mew 
  39. Victini 
  40. Alakazam
  41. Mega Diancie 
  42. Tyranitar
  43. Shuckle
  44. Cradily
  45. Heatran 
  46. Mega Scizor
  47. Jirachi 
  48. Greninja
  49. Mega Swampert
  50. Keldeo

  1. Hydreigon
  2. Latias 
  3. Scizor
  4. Mega Aerodactyl
  5. Empoleon
  6. Krookodile
  7. Togekiss
  8. Mega Altaria
  9. Bisharp
  10. Cobalion 
  11. Mega Sharpedo
  12. Slowbro/Mega Slowbro
  13. Celebi 
  14. Mega Manectric
  15. Moltres 
  16. Primarina
  17. Nihilego
  18. Tentacruel
  19. Zeraora 
  20. Mega Aggron


  1. Nidoqueen
  2. Salazzle
  3. Mega Abomasnow
  4. Chesnaught
  5. Doublade
  6. Feraligatr
  7. Flygon
  8. Snorlax
  9. Bewear
  10. Dragalge
If anyone thinks that the Pokemon should be split up differently (like by Starters, Pseudo-Legendaries, Legendaries, Mythicals, and Ultra Beasts) or you have an idea to get more people, or just if you've got a better idea on how to create a Pokemon draft league, feel free to comment down below. 

If you have never heard of some of these Pokemon, or are interested to see how deep the Pokemon Showdown rabbit hole goes, click here

Last but not least, if you want to join the league ASAP, please comment down below with your email address, your experience with Pokemon, your expectations of the league experience, and what times would work best with your schedule to get to a computer and join Pokemon Showdown.

Many thanks from me, and until next time, see ya later space cowboy.


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