Alright, it's time for my Top 10 Most Influential Pokemon. Let's fire up the ol' Pokedex.
This list was created with the purpose of acknowledging the different medias that the Pokemon fandom appreciates. Please keep in mind that I don't like Pokemon Go, and have never played any of the mobile games like Pokemon Shuffle or Magikarp Jump.
Also, because of how indecisive I am, or perhaps how I know how people are going to have different opinions, I've provided multiple choices for many of the selections.
At Number 10, for longtime fans, there is Magikarp.
From the very first game, Magikarp has really proven loyalty. It is one thing to know that Magikarp is a great Pokemon and another to have enough money to own it... see YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO TRAIN ME! on Youtube. (Not my video.)
Magikarp has had a mobile game based off of it. It is the most iconic user of Splash. Its shiny form is colored gold...
In all seriousness, even if there is an argument for getting a Magikarp to raise into a Gyarados, there is no point in buying one for 500 PokeDollars, when you can use an Old Rod to fish for one.
Another Number 10 choice, for those who have gotten really into the Alolan Region is Cosmog.
If you are unaware, in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, there is no information on this Pokemon. The Professor's assistant Lillie is trying to hide this uber rare Pokemon from her slightly deranged mother.
Despite the main character and Lillie's friends trying to keep Cosmog a secret, Nebby (Lillie's name for her Cosmog), is infamous for trying to slip out of her duffel bag. It launched Lillie into fame because of her line, "Nebby get in the bag."
For Number 9, the Pokemon comes from the competitive scene
The Pokemon is Jirachi. Jirachi is known as the Wish Pokemon. If you face Jirachi, the only thing you're gonna wish for is to forfeit. Among other moves, Jirachi can learn Iron Head and Heart Stamp, which both have a 30% chance to flinch the other Pokemon. Jirachi knows Wish, which can heal 50% of its HP on the next turn. Jirachi also knows U-Turn which allows it to switch out after an attack, making it both hard to kill and offensively dangerous.
Basically, Jirachi's ability to flinch, or Flinch Hax, has caused many a battler to rage quit or just go insane.
In my opinion, it is also one of the only Pokemon to give reason to Emerald from the Pokemon Adventures manga, and Max from the Pokemon anime. (Otherwise, these characters would be forgettable.)
Pokemon Number 8 is fairly recent, given that it was conceived from the anime.
The seventh most influential Pokemon are scientific Pokemon. They are Rotom and Deoxys.
Rotom, in my opinion has only gotten to this level because of its injection into the Pokedex and the role it plays in the Sun and Moon anime. In this Pokemon anime that has transformed from the shonen battle style of Pokemon X and Y to the nearly just comedy Pokemon Sun and Moon, this Rotom has a key role in cracking jokes, but also sometimes plays the "straight" man (not in a sexuality way, but in a comedy way).
Competitively, this gave Rotom many niches. It has Levitate, making it one of a few Electric types to have a Ground type immunity. Rotom-Wash is known for being a super Defensive Pokemon, while Rotom-Fan gets flinch hax with Air Slash, Rotom-Heat can use Overheat, and so on...
In the Pokemon Adventures manga, Rotom is a charming Pokemon. Because of the main character's love of a certain mecha anime, they become friends and Rotom comes to the rescue of the heroes because of this.
- Despite Pokemon Adventures being long as heck (it covers all of the generations of Pokemon including both Gen 3 regions and HeartGold, Alpha Sapphire, Black 2...) you should really read it. I consider it more canon to the series itself than any other manga, the games, and especially the anime.
Yeah, that's the case for Rotom.
Meanwhile, we have Deoxys.
Deoxys had a movie made about it. The Pokemon Adventures equivalent of FireRed and LeafGreen was based entirely on Deoxys. Pokemon Generations made a whole episode on Deoxys. So, what is the big deal?
I mean, it's just a Pokemon from space, right?
Just a freaking Virus Pokemon from Space.
Deoxys has four forms. Attack, Defense, Speed, and the Normal form. Like Rotom, Deoxys has different uses in competitive Pokemon. It holds a threat, but the amount of times that Pokemon has shown amazement with a Pokemon from space is more impactful.
If you give me a better example than Deoxys, please write in the comments. For example, at this point, I'm likely to have changed my list because someone said Charizard is more important than Marshadow/Lugia. I'm thinking about it right now. RIGHT NOW...
Moving on.
Speaking of which, Number 6: Just Charizard.
So I have this friend. You can find him wherever the username PieGuy pops up. Anyway, he convinced me that Charizard is more influential to Pokemon than Lugia and Marshadow.
Lugia is known for being in Pokemon the Movie 2000, for being the legendary bird for which Pokemon Silver and SoulSilver is known for, and for being a defensively campy Pokemon competitively.
Marshadow is known for being the villain in the recent movie, Pokemon, I Choose You! and for using Spectral Thief, a move that steals the opponents stats as well as having 90 base power and being a STAB Ghost move.
Charizard is still more relevant. People still hunt for that shiny foil first edition Charizard trading card to have in their collection. People still forget it's not a Dragon type until it mega evolves. People remember Ash getting burned, to well, ashes by his Charizard's Flamethrower. Charizard is a beloved Pokemon that I guess I should get burned to the stake for not putting in the list in the first place.
Well, you really can't argue Number 5. Please put in the comments down below, what you thought Number 5 was. Yes, writing Meowth is fine, it's wrong but go ahead. Writing something like Entei is fine, but its also wrong.
Number 5 is Mewtwo.
Mewtwo's backstory is that of a Pokemon that was created by Team Rocket, a gang, meant to become a Pokemon weapon. It was too strong for humans to control and it escaped. Throughout Pokemon Red and Blue, this monstrous Pokemon waits for you to return to the fourth city you visited, Cerulean City.
After escaping, Mewtwo tries to find meaning to its existence and purpose. The Pokemon franchise gives Mewtwo a lot of leeway, bringing it back up now and then for Mewtwo to protect innocent Pokemon from trainer abuse or to save the world in Pokemon movies and manga.
Since its origin, Mewtwo has appeared in multiple anime episodes with Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket, seemingly still controlled by him. Mewtwo was the antagonist of the First Pokemon Movie, in which Ash first died and came back to life. Mewtwo was supposed to be in the third movie, starring Entei, but was scrapped by the release. A hidden image of Mewtwo was featured in the fifth movie, Pokemon Heroes. Mewtwo was part of the introduction to the sixth movie, Jirachi: Wish Maker, the seventh movie, Destiny Deoxys, the tenth movie, The Rise of Darkrai, the fifteenth movie...etc. The sixteenth movie, ExtremeSpeed Genesect: Mewtwo Awakens features Mewtwo as an advisor for another human-created Pokemon, Genesect.
The Pokemon franchise has built Mewtwo to be one of the only Pokemon who can talk to humans, and have complex feelings, yet also be immensely powerful. It is a series standard.
Pokemon #4 is known as the "Original One". It created the regions of Sinnoh and Ransei, the Lake Guardians (Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf), and the Creation Trio (Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina).
Pokemon #4 is Arceus. Arceus is a mythical Pokemon. It is not a legendary Pokemon because of how rarely it is seen. It is the creator of the known Pokemon universe. Due to this teeny tiny factoid, Arceus is the core of all known Pokemon lore. It was the origin of the Pokemon world.
So yeah, it's pretty important and all, but there are still 3 Pokemon more influential to the Pokemon franchise than it.
The third most influential Pokemon is, you might have guessed it. MISSINGNO!!!! Hell yeah! Give me a hell yeah for MISSINGNO!!!!
That was just a joke. Sorry.
Mew is the third most influential Pokemon in the Pokemon franchise.
It holds the genetic codes of every Pokemon in its DNA. It is the ancestor of every Pokemon. It's so rare that it is considered a mythical Pokemon.
Mew's existence may have been one of the single most interesting bits of Pokemon lore to come out of Generation 1. Originally it was unreleased to players of the game, and eventually was released in limited quantities.
Before it was released, it was randomly encountered through game bugs. The "Trainer Fly" glitch used in speed runs allowed Mew to randomly be encountered afterwards. The most infamous rumor was that Mew was under the truck near the S.S. Anne. Players claimed that it unlocked a secret Team Rocket hideout.
Mew and Mewtwo's stories are intertwined, so some of Mew's fame is owed to Mewtwo. Without the existence of Mew, there would be no Pokemon to "take the side of good" against Mewtwo. Without Mew, there would be no Mewtwo, as it is a mutated, experimented upon form of Mew.
Mew holds as important a role in the movies as Mewtwo. Also, its role in the manga leads Red to meet Professor Oak's grandson Blue, starting the journey that Red undergoes to complete the Pokedex.
Alright, so this one might have a few people upset at me. Here's Number Two: Ho-Oh.
Ho-Oh is the second most influential Pokemon to the Pokemon franchise and it is seriously underrated.
Point 1: In the first episode of the Pokemon anime, when Ash and Pikachu finally bond, and they look up at the sky, Ho-Oh appears. It shows Ash that the world of Pokemon is as exciting and fulfilling as battling with his pal and finding things not yet listed in the Pokedex.
Point 2: Ho-Oh's importance to the lore of Pokemon is more important than Mew's and nearly as important as Arceus'. It resurrected Entei, Raikou, and Suicune, and is the reason there is a Burned Tower in Ecruteak City.
Point 3: Ho-Oh is the original user of Sacred Fire. Even though Entei can use it, it's likely that it was passed down by Ho-Oh. It is incredibly powerful at 130 Base Attack, 110 Base Special Attack, and 154 Base Special Defense, well, I guess good enough stats all around to give it a total of 680 Base Stats!
Point 4: The Rainbow Feather and the Silver Feather from Ho-Oh and Lugia respectively, were the requirements for the GS ball, which allowed a player to be able to catch Celebi.
Point 5: The Rainbow Wing was written into a non-canonical movie plot point for Ash in Pokemon the Movie: I Choose You, which chose Ash as the Pokemon World's hero.
Point 6: Ho-Oh has probably appeared the most times in the anime. (Sorry, don't have enough effort to physically check myself) It appeared in the first four regions of the anime in flashbacks or by Ash himself seeing it.
Point 7: Ho-Oh was the first Gen 2 Pokemon to ever be seen in the Pokemon franchise, as the anime was created before Generation 2 was released. Therefore, it was also the alert that the Pokemon franchise would extend past 151 Pokemon.
Number 1 is Pikachu.
Alright, thanks for reading my list of Top 10 Most Influential Pokemon. Stop by next week when I won't be making another Top 10 Pokemon List. Sorry for such a long break. Get ready for more anime and manga content.
This list was created with the purpose of acknowledging the different medias that the Pokemon fandom appreciates. Please keep in mind that I don't like Pokemon Go, and have never played any of the mobile games like Pokemon Shuffle or Magikarp Jump.
Also, because of how indecisive I am, or perhaps how I know how people are going to have different opinions, I've provided multiple choices for many of the selections.
At Number 10, for longtime fans, there is Magikarp.
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You can tell a male Magikarp by the way its fin is higher for splashing dominance. |
From the very first game, Magikarp has really proven loyalty. It is one thing to know that Magikarp is a great Pokemon and another to have enough money to own it... see YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO TRAIN ME! on Youtube. (Not my video.)
Magikarp has had a mobile game based off of it. It is the most iconic user of Splash. Its shiny form is colored gold...
In all seriousness, even if there is an argument for getting a Magikarp to raise into a Gyarados, there is no point in buying one for 500 PokeDollars, when you can use an Old Rod to fish for one.
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Nebby. Stay. In. The Bag. |
Another Number 10 choice, for those who have gotten really into the Alolan Region is Cosmog.
If you are unaware, in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, there is no information on this Pokemon. The Professor's assistant Lillie is trying to hide this uber rare Pokemon from her slightly deranged mother.

For Number 9, the Pokemon comes from the competitive scene

Basically, Jirachi's ability to flinch, or Flinch Hax, has caused many a battler to rage quit or just go insane.
In my opinion, it is also one of the only Pokemon to give reason to Emerald from the Pokemon Adventures manga, and Max from the Pokemon anime. (Otherwise, these characters would be forgettable.)
Pokemon Number 8 is fairly recent, given that it was conceived from the anime.
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Edge upon edge, the author says. A shiny Ash-Greninja using a Z-Move. |
UGH. Ok. To me, this is exactly how the chain of Japanese entertainment and animation is supposed to work. Creators see something created in one media, use it in another media, and continue until all mediums are used up. Pokemon is built up to not be like this. What is canon (the official world of Pokemon) and what is not? The point is, all of them can be real, and so most of them can be canon.
Ash doesn't exist in the games. You can choose his name in the default names in games like FireRed and LeafGreen, but that's only because the anime's popularity approaches that of the game itself. What Ash does in the anime can coincidentally happen in the games, but something like Ash-Greninja should not.
Ash-Greninja was something that was created in the anime. It wasn't even released in the game series that the anime covered. The point is, how does some crazy medium translating bs turn into one of the most destructive competitive Pokemon on the scene?
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"Greninja-Ash" the only offensive non-legendary/non-mythical Pokemon in the S and A+ competitive viability rankings. |
This list demonstrates how much players have to build around this outrageous Pokemon so that they can even play the game. Its amazing versatility, excellent speed tier, and brutal attack and special attack stats allow this gimmicky anime plot armored Pokemon to compete with next generation Pokemon.
The seventh most influential Pokemon are scientific Pokemon. They are Rotom and Deoxys.
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Rotom Pokedex. Why? I have no answer. |
Rotom, in my opinion has only gotten to this level because of its injection into the Pokedex and the role it plays in the Sun and Moon anime. In this Pokemon anime that has transformed from the shonen battle style of Pokemon X and Y to the nearly just comedy Pokemon Sun and Moon, this Rotom has a key role in cracking jokes, but also sometimes plays the "straight" man (not in a sexuality way, but in a comedy way).
Rotom originally debuted in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, and in Pokemon Platinum, it was given 5 different forms.
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Although they may be cute, it's just 7 types of poltergeist in your appliances. |
Competitively, this gave Rotom many niches. It has Levitate, making it one of a few Electric types to have a Ground type immunity. Rotom-Wash is known for being a super Defensive Pokemon, while Rotom-Fan gets flinch hax with Air Slash, Rotom-Heat can use Overheat, and so on...
In the Pokemon Adventures manga, Rotom is a charming Pokemon. Because of the main character's love of a certain mecha anime, they become friends and Rotom comes to the rescue of the heroes because of this.
- Despite Pokemon Adventures being long as heck (it covers all of the generations of Pokemon including both Gen 3 regions and HeartGold, Alpha Sapphire, Black 2...) you should really read it. I consider it more canon to the series itself than any other manga, the games, and especially the anime.
Yeah, that's the case for Rotom.
Meanwhile, we have Deoxys.
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One of us. One of us. One of us. |
I mean, it's just a Pokemon from space, right?
Just a freaking Virus Pokemon from Space.
Deoxys has four forms. Attack, Defense, Speed, and the Normal form. Like Rotom, Deoxys has different uses in competitive Pokemon. It holds a threat, but the amount of times that Pokemon has shown amazement with a Pokemon from space is more impactful.
If you give me a better example than Deoxys, please write in the comments. For example, at this point, I'm likely to have changed my list because someone said Charizard is more important than Marshadow/Lugia. I'm thinking about it right now. RIGHT NOW...
Moving on.
Speaking of which, Number 6: Just Charizard.
So I have this friend. You can find him wherever the username PieGuy pops up. Anyway, he convinced me that Charizard is more influential to Pokemon than Lugia and Marshadow.
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Genwunners rejoice. Shiny Mega Charizard X and Y. |
Lugia is known for being in Pokemon the Movie 2000, for being the legendary bird for which Pokemon Silver and SoulSilver is known for, and for being a defensively campy Pokemon competitively.
Marshadow is known for being the villain in the recent movie, Pokemon, I Choose You! and for using Spectral Thief, a move that steals the opponents stats as well as having 90 base power and being a STAB Ghost move.
Charizard is still more relevant. People still hunt for that shiny foil first edition Charizard trading card to have in their collection. People still forget it's not a Dragon type until it mega evolves. People remember Ash getting burned, to well, ashes by his Charizard's Flamethrower. Charizard is a beloved Pokemon that I guess I should get burned to the stake for not putting in the list in the first place.
Well, you really can't argue Number 5. Please put in the comments down below, what you thought Number 5 was. Yes, writing Meowth is fine, it's wrong but go ahead. Writing something like Entei is fine, but its also wrong.
Number 5 is Mewtwo.
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The Monster of Cerulean Cave |
Mewtwo's backstory is that of a Pokemon that was created by Team Rocket, a gang, meant to become a Pokemon weapon. It was too strong for humans to control and it escaped. Throughout Pokemon Red and Blue, this monstrous Pokemon waits for you to return to the fourth city you visited, Cerulean City.
After escaping, Mewtwo tries to find meaning to its existence and purpose. The Pokemon franchise gives Mewtwo a lot of leeway, bringing it back up now and then for Mewtwo to protect innocent Pokemon from trainer abuse or to save the world in Pokemon movies and manga.
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Easily recovering and taking down Articuno, a legendary bird. |
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What a beast. |
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Goofy Mewtwo from the Pokemon Adventures manga series. |
The Pokemon franchise has built Mewtwo to be one of the only Pokemon who can talk to humans, and have complex feelings, yet also be immensely powerful. It is a series standard.
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Is it a horse? Is it a dragon? No. It's just God. |
Pokemon #4 is known as the "Original One". It created the regions of Sinnoh and Ransei, the Lake Guardians (Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf), and the Creation Trio (Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina).
Pokemon #4 is Arceus. Arceus is a mythical Pokemon. It is not a legendary Pokemon because of how rarely it is seen. It is the creator of the known Pokemon universe. Due to this teeny tiny factoid, Arceus is the core of all known Pokemon lore. It was the origin of the Pokemon world.
So yeah, it's pretty important and all, but there are still 3 Pokemon more influential to the Pokemon franchise than it.
The third most influential Pokemon is, you might have guessed it. MISSINGNO!!!! Hell yeah! Give me a hell yeah for MISSINGNO!!!!
That was just a joke. Sorry.
Mew is the third most influential Pokemon in the Pokemon franchise.
It holds the genetic codes of every Pokemon in its DNA. It is the ancestor of every Pokemon. It's so rare that it is considered a mythical Pokemon.
Mew's existence may have been one of the single most interesting bits of Pokemon lore to come out of Generation 1. Originally it was unreleased to players of the game, and eventually was released in limited quantities.
Before it was released, it was randomly encountered through game bugs. The "Trainer Fly" glitch used in speed runs allowed Mew to randomly be encountered afterwards. The most infamous rumor was that Mew was under the truck near the S.S. Anne. Players claimed that it unlocked a secret Team Rocket hideout.
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The mythical Mew. |
Mew holds as important a role in the movies as Mewtwo. Also, its role in the manga leads Red to meet Professor Oak's grandson Blue, starting the journey that Red undergoes to complete the Pokedex.
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Mew using the advanced communication technique known as yoyo tricks. |
Alright, so this one might have a few people upset at me. Here's Number Two: Ho-Oh.
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Ah.. What a peacock. Well...maybe it's just an oversized rooster. |
Point 1: In the first episode of the Pokemon anime, when Ash and Pikachu finally bond, and they look up at the sky, Ho-Oh appears. It shows Ash that the world of Pokemon is as exciting and fulfilling as battling with his pal and finding things not yet listed in the Pokedex.
Point 2: Ho-Oh's importance to the lore of Pokemon is more important than Mew's and nearly as important as Arceus'. It resurrected Entei, Raikou, and Suicune, and is the reason there is a Burned Tower in Ecruteak City.
Point 3: Ho-Oh is the original user of Sacred Fire. Even though Entei can use it, it's likely that it was passed down by Ho-Oh. It is incredibly powerful at 130 Base Attack, 110 Base Special Attack, and 154 Base Special Defense, well, I guess good enough stats all around to give it a total of 680 Base Stats!
Point 4: The Rainbow Feather and the Silver Feather from Ho-Oh and Lugia respectively, were the requirements for the GS ball, which allowed a player to be able to catch Celebi.
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Ash as the rainbow hero. |
Point 5: The Rainbow Wing was written into a non-canonical movie plot point for Ash in Pokemon the Movie: I Choose You, which chose Ash as the Pokemon World's hero.
Point 6: Ho-Oh has probably appeared the most times in the anime. (Sorry, don't have enough effort to physically check myself) It appeared in the first four regions of the anime in flashbacks or by Ash himself seeing it.
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The all golden design shows that Ho-Oh wasn't completely developed for the anime. |
Point 7: Ho-Oh was the first Gen 2 Pokemon to ever be seen in the Pokemon franchise, as the anime was created before Generation 2 was released. Therefore, it was also the alert that the Pokemon franchise would extend past 151 Pokemon.
Number 1 is Pikachu.
Alright, thanks for reading my list of Top 10 Most Influential Pokemon. Stop by next week when I won't be making another Top 10 Pokemon List. Sorry for such a long break. Get ready for more anime and manga content.
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