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Hey there, all you Top Percentage Pidgeys

Hi there, this is Griffin Yamada signing in.

Welcome to my blog about mostly: manga, anime, Nintendo, and Square Enix. I know self-deprecation doesn't have that much comedic value anymore, but I'm not that interesting. The way I'll be presenting my topics will likely be boring, even though I said I won't be sane enough to have an understandable argument. I mean look at this welcome post, my original idea was to be totally sarcastic, be a jerk, ask future readers to call me out on my bullshit, and end with calling all of you top percentage Pidgeys (if you haven't played Pokemon, it's an insult).

I apologize, because I want to demonstrate how much I value my readers. From now on, I'll just write the truth. If I think that genwunners are scum, I'll write it, and if I think that Bleach is a cesspool of unoriginality and the worst part about battle manga/anime, I'll write it.

Listen to me readers, you are top percentage Pidgey. Jokes aside, when I play a Pokemon game, I'm not looking to beat it in the exact same way every time. One playthrough, I might want a Pidgey with a boosted speed stat, in the next, I might want a boosted attack stat. Even though this blog is limited to mostly animation, gaming, and entertainment, I want to try to cover everything my readers want to see covered. While blogs are used as expression for the writer, I also just want to gather people who I can discuss current topics with.

If you could help me build a community where discussions are created, I wouldn't know how to present a reward, but it would just make me very grateful. Since this is also my first blog, I can only say I think you can subscribe via email address right now, and/or type your comments to this post down below. Thank you very much for your support. Smell ya later.


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