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Happy Holidays! Update 12/25

Dear Readers,

Happy Holidays! Whether you recognize/celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, the non-denominational Lemon Season, or you don't have a particular holiday to celebrate, I hope you have a safe, healthy, happy, and refreshing winter.

Personally, I really enjoy the celebration of a new year. New Year's Day in my family is celebrated with a type of Japanese noodle called soba noodles, as well as other symbolic traditional Japanese foods. It's a meal that's put together for the purpose of increasing the chance of your health and prosperity in the new year.

The Pokemon League that I mentioned I wanted to start, maybe a month ago, has started and is getting into the second round of matches. If you want to see what its all about, join the discord here:

I'm still working on a post about how the characters of Naruto and Kingdom Hearts are similar and that the ideas they stand for are the same.

If there are any Doctor Who fans out there, tell me what you think of the change from a Christmas Special episode to a New Year's Special episode. Personally I think it's kind of a surface level change, and that political correctness does not justify a drop in quality of the series as a whole. Yes, with this new Doctor, I think that the quality of the show has dropped. Controversial. Oh, and when I say political correctness, I am assuming that the producers are changing it from a Christmas Special to a New Year's Special because not everyone celebrates Christmas.

There haven't been any new Run With the Wind episodes, but Shonen Jump has been freaking killing it with their new chapters. One Piece in Wano, Dr. Stone with the Hot Air Balloon, BNHA with All for One invading Deku, Haikyu with Bokuto finally becoming Fukurodani's ace, Food Wars was kinda weak comparatively, with Soma pulling his gimmicky food antics yet again.

I've started watching Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, but only off and on. I've already gone through a phase of watching shows like these, such as Sakurada Reset and Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, so I'm not as hype about it as other people may be. I understand how good it is, but I'm way more excited about Run With the Wind than Bunny Girl Senpai/Mai Sakurajima.

I wish that more people realized how much manga like Nekomata and Natsume Yuujinchou can calmly satisfy us with a good story or cute characters. We don't need over the top mainstream stuff like Hitman, Seven Deadly Sins, or another product of the Fate Series.
*Just a thought from Griffin Yamada

Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming out next month people.

This has been Griffin on Christmas Day

"Do you know how to count!? You dumb monkey bastard!!"
"Don't mess with me!! You didn't pull ahead at all jagged-guy!! You bastard!!"
-Eustass "Captain" Kid and Monkey D. Luffy in One Piece Chapter 926: The Prisoner Mine


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