Two days ago was my birthday. Nothing much has been going on. I've been trying to decide what I'm gonna put out. I'm working on the first chapter review for One Piece and it's kind of interesting, but it's taken me over a week to write it, and I'm still not sure when it's coming out. So, yeah, sorry to the people who actually want to read the weird tidbits that I write. So yeah, this isn't gonna be about anything, but I feel like I owe some sort of content, so I'm gonna put it out there. I don't really want this post being shared, if you don't mind. I think only one person will understand what I'm talking about right now and that's fine. So I guess, let's tell the story of how I got into anime and why I made a transition to manga. So readers, let me create the setting. The year is 2006, maybe? A short and skinny, mixed-race, mostly Asian boy is first shown a really old animated series called Star Blazers. Only later ...
Well, what can I say. We live in a time where everyone has salt because of waifu wars and anime award shows. Who isn't too passionate to have a sane conversation about anime? Don't tell me 'anime connoisseurs,' because there's no such thing.